Belis Abyss…

also known as Daisy, or Muffin, or Shasta is many things and simultaneously non.

My career begin young, working as an actress in film, TV and theatre. I studied at Tring Park School for the Performing Arts as a child, and after went on to be part of the National Youth Theatres REP Company. Following a three month run in the West End, I was signed to Independent Talent Agency, and thus began the end of all of that. I had a very lucky and privileged career, working for likes of SKY, the Young Vic, the BBC. Working with the likes of Glen Mazzara, and MRC, to Jeremy Herrin at the Chichester Festival Theatre. Though I learnt much during these times, the main lesson was shit man, this world is not for me. After receiving what I thought was my ‘dream job’ on paper, working with Amazon, in a role I believed was entirely all I had dreamt of, and having, what I could now call, a major catastrophic death…I realised my essence as a human laid elsewhere.

The corrupt machine of creation is one of our greatest manifestations of evil in this world. I wanted to be where the power of art was threatening the very walls and systems the capitalist creators find us in, the art that was meaningless and unmeasurable, the art that was touching and soul destroying, yet not understanding exactly why. A creative world full of mania, of fools, the crazies, the poets, the monsters, the rawness, the clowns. After I left my agents in 2020, my little clown heart found more luck, working with the wonderful Lucy Enskat as part of her street theatre company Hocus Pocus. It was here I feel in love with the power of street performance and street festival theatre. Were performed at Out There arts in Great Yarmouth, Just So festival, Chelmsford green City and Appetite Festival. Our show was directed by the incredible Flick Ferninado. After this, I received the arts councils DYCP Grant. I went on to train with Peta Lily, Gaulier, Angela De Castro and more. Following these experiences are started to expand my clown, to perform more in cabarets instead of just the streets, at festivals including, Waking Life festival, Auriallc and Buddhafield. To do more residencies that expanded my ability to research play and offer workshops, something I look to do more of in 2025.

Alongside my dear free and creative ally, Nyx, also known as freequeensea, we founded the PSYCHO CIRCUS COLLECTIVE in 2021 whereby we put on raves in abandoned buildings, including theatre shows, circus and live band performance. . In 2024, I received Jerwoods Outdoor Arts Grant, in association with 101 Outdoor Arts. For the past year, and the next year, I am being supported by 101 to research and development a show for the outdoors. This show currently goes by the name APOPHENIA, and is in development, though I hoping to play it this year at Hat Fair Festival and in the streets of Edinburgh (alongside my indoor show Unlearning Mastery). I am also currently in my second and final year of study at Jacque Lecoq school in Avignon France, where I am currently based.

Through all this magik has permeated, because of magik all this has existed. It remains my life anchor, and my only DEFINING QUALITY OF MY NON EXISTENT SELF, MAGICIAN.

I continue my musical expression alongside Martin Ray of Etiome, and in my solo project Luteus Corpum.


Instagram: @47scientificallybelis_da2nd666