With over 10 years of magical practice, I began with Reiki, achieving Level 3 certification, then explored pagan and white magik. I worked for two years at The Mystic Moon in Nottingham, learning from powerful witches, and spent a year in Camden’s Sustainable Market giving tarot readings. Over time, my path evolved towards Hoodoo, Chaos Magik, and shamanic practices—areas that often involve working with spirits, dark entities, and more raw, practical magik, rather than "high vibrational healing." While I was never fully comfortable with the label of ‘witch,’ it ultimately led me to embrace Chaos Magik and identify as a young Magician. This practice is where I now focus my work, grounded in a wealth of esoteric experience, ready to explore both light and shadow, and complette blackness.
Chaos magik is a dynamic approach to navigating life's complexities and aligning ourselves with our unique timelines, utilising the divine force that exists in us and outside us: as above so below, so within, so without. Chaos Magik teaches the embracing of the unknown mysteries of existence and working with them to our and the universes advantage. By acknowledging the perpetual chaos in our reality, practitioners of Chaos Magik, often referred to as ‘magicians’, learn to grasp and shape cosmic forces to their client’s advantage. Chaos Magik acknowledges the unifying elements of all religion, faith, spiritual practice, demonology, ancient knowledges, magical sects and sciences, and in so is not limited to any one practice or exertion of their inner divine, and beyond that, gives a practicing magician the ability to see itself as not separate, but connected, to absolutely everything, and in so lives the great contradiction of life. The mind could never accept the contradictions, the absurdities or the sheer sublime force of the fundamental forms of nature. It must be felt, in the very core of our being, way beyond the mind.
“…all the symbols are interchangeable for each containeth in itself its own opposite. And this is the great Mystery of the Supernals that are beyond the Abyss. For below the Abyss contradiction is division. But above the Abyss contradiction is Unity. And there could be nothing true except by virtue of the contradiction that is contained in itself. . .” - Israel Regardie
Things shift and move continuously outside of our control, but if we look to this movement, we find we can master the cards of our fate ourselves while simultaneously embracing the great chaos, alongside some(THING) greater, though we may never know, truly, what.
My personal Chaos Magik is founded much in the theory of Hyperstition, in short, ‘fictions that make themselves real’. Or has Kaye put it ‘fiction is not opposed to the real. Rather, reality is understood to be composed of fictions – consistent semiotic terrains that condition perceptual, affective and behavioural responses.’
I offer 1:1 informative sessions, and I offer work on behalf of the client, please see contact me page.
Done with Alesiter Crowleys Thoth Tarot deck, these readings are not for the light hearted, they give detailed and resurrectional insights into the current positions and energies that are influencing your life. I DO NOT TELL THE FUTURE. That future is yours.
Readings primarily consist of assessing the past and understanding how that is currently influencing your present. What external and internal energies are dominating our ability to cultivate what we are desiring in our lives, how best to exercise/accept ourselves, and what is most useful immediately in our lives in order to acquire what we are looking for.
To UNDERSTAND, SEARCH and ALIGN ourselves, with that which we are existing in this timeline for. Become, delighted to death.
Psycho Magik, a slightly different approach to life cultivation, though born of the same tree, I separate it from Chaos Magik as it components differ largely. Famously coined by Alejandro Jodorowsky, though a intuitive and existential practice that has existed for thousands in various forms and mutations, as defined in Britannica is ‘an act that one must perform, that enacts a metaphorical solution to ones problems’.
For example, to overcome fear of inner femininity, shave your legs on a public train in front of other strangers, or to face your anger at your mother for x,y,z, dress as her everyday for three consecutive days, act as she acts, speak as she speaks, etc. My approach to Psycho Magik takes a slightly different approach, I like to utilise my clown/bouffon practice to help others liberate their in clown and their inner beast, I work together with my client, while also assigning them tasks to achieve themselves. Each task must be achived before moving onto the next.
Chaos Magik sessions 1:1 £47
Tarot Card sessions £33.33
Pyscho Magik consultations £33.33
For all magician and spell work, please contact me directly, prices vary.
Concessions available